Mondays FREE International Folk Dance lessons, Meyer-Wilkens (Grant School), gym. Contact: Laverne
6:45-8:45 PM. No lessons when schools are closed. No need to pre-register.
Mondays Lakewalk, 5:30PM meet at Rose Garden restrooms Contact: Martha or Donna
Thursdays Swing dance lessons, FREE American Legion, 5814 Grand Ave @ 7 pm Contact: Tammie
Last Tues of mo. Blue grass music by the Road Kill Boys, Clyde Iron. FREE. 7-9PM Contact: Laverne
Tues, Sept 19-Nov 7 St. Benedict’s “Discover Christ” Series. 5:30 dinner, 6:15pm video, 7pm discussion Contact: Laverne
NOTE: If you know of any singles from age 25 – 40 who are interested in meeting other singles in this age group, please refer them to Deborah at 879-6266.

International company (based in Austria) seeks representatives to expand in USA.

We are advertising on this site because we are seeking people of good character, and who want to make money! 

If you are someone who is coachable, and believes in building a business both steady and strong, that you can be proud of and realize steady residual income for the rest of your life (with other built in bonuses), you may be a fit for our company.

We are going to help 6 people help to help 6 others to become profitable within 4 months. No worries if you haven’t been in management positions before; as long as you are coachable, we will train you. Together we will build your business strong in such a way that your income will never go downward. Within 4 months you will earn about $4500 and this will set a strong foundation to continue; it just gets better (exponentially) from there.

People who do well with our company are teachers, managers, insurance agents, and sales people, but with our coaching and training we believe anyone can succeed.

Want to see if you qualify to be on our team?
Do these two things to get started:

Step 1. Watch a video at: (take notes).

Step 2. Call toll free 24/7 message center: 888-241-4031. Leave your name, phone number, and email address (slowly, clearly and then repeat all three).

Then state that you want 1 or all 3:
1.      a free shopping card (you save money when you use at both big box stores and small “mom & pop” stores locally and around the world),
2.      you want information on marketing for us, and/or
3.      you want to assist in setting up business accounts.

Your interest level will dictate what direction we’ll take from there, either to get you more information or get you on a 3 way call with our national sales manager to determine your future with our company.

PS. When we respond to your call we will let you know if we have a group of six already and if so, we will place you in the next training group of six.

PSS. Professionals and "busy" people really like our business because they can build it part-time and when it is built, it stays built!!!

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